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[英]WPF chart toolkit axis scale with custom value

currently I'm trying to make a chart with WPF chart toolkit, 目前,我正在尝试使用WPF图表工具包制作图表,
the requirement is that Y-axis should show as the image below: 要求是Y轴应如下图所示:

which describes 描述
*0~84 is Level D * 0〜84为D级
*85~99 is Level B * B级为85〜99
... ...

I'm not sure whether chart toolkit can make this type of Y-axis scale. 我不确定图表工具包是否可以制作这种类型的Y轴比例尺。
I'll try to put TextBox controls directly into the canvas for "Level *" label if above is not supported by the chart toolkit, still I have problem how can I show only 85, 100, 115 as scale of Y axis. 如果图表工具包不支持上述功能,我将尝试将TextBox控件直接放入“级别*”标签的画布中,但仍然有问题,如何显示Y轴的比例尺仅为85、100、115。

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。 Thanks. 谢谢。

You can try to use a Converter for the axis label of your chart. 您可以尝试将Converter用于图表的轴标签。 Something like this: XAML 像这样的东西:XAML

<chartingToolkit:Chart Name="chart1"  >
  <HideConverter x:Key="HideConverter1" />
  <chartingToolkit:LinearAxis Orientation="Y" ShowGridLines="False"  Interval="5" Minimum="0" Maximum="150" >
    <Style TargetType="chartingToolkit:AxisLabel">
     <Setter Property="Template">
       <ControlTemplate TargetType="chartingToolkit:AxisLabel">
        <TextBlock DataContext="{TemplateBinding FormattedContent}" Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource HideConverter1}}" />

and in your codebehind the converter is 在您的代码背后,转换器是

public class HideConverter : IValueConverter

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        // value is the current tick on the Y axis
        int x = int.Parse(value.ToString());
        switch (x)
            case 85:
            case 100:
            case 115:
                return value;
            case 40: // I set 40 to be in the middle between 0 and 85
                return "Level D";
            case 90:
                return "Level C";
            case 110:
                return "Level B";
            case 130:
                return "Level A";
                return null;;
        return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

HTH 高温超导

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