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随机获取Li的Single值并打印在 <h1> 标签

[英]Get a Single value of Li randomly and print it in <h1> tag

I have a list of values in a ul element in HTML and using javascript, I want to output in h1 a random value out of that list. 我在HTML的ul元素中有一个值列表,并且使用javascript,我想在h1中从该列表中输出一个随机值。 I already have a script but its inputting the ID of that LI instead of the value. 我已经有一个脚本,但是它输入的是该LI的ID而不是值。

Here's my HTML: 这是我的HTML:

<div id="quotes-list">
    <li id="One">One</li>
    <li id="Two">Two</li>
    <li id="Three">Three</li>
    <li id="Four">Four</li>
    <li id="Five">Five</li>

<h1 id="quoted"></h1>

and here's my javascript: 这是我的JavaScript:

var lis = document.getElementById("quotes-list").getElementsByTagName("li");
var countThis = Math.floor(Math.random() * lis.length);

var carToon = (lis[countThis].id);

var textElement = document.getElementById("quoted");
textElement.innerHTML = carToon;

As I've said, this is working but it's outputting the id of the LI. 就像我说的那样,这是可行的,但是它正在输出LI的ID。

I've tried playing around with the 我试过了

var carToon = (lis[countThis].id);

putting lis[countThis]. 放置lis [countThis]。 text but the output would be " UNDEFINED " 文字,但输出将是“ UNDEFINED

What could be replace on my code so that I can output in H1 a random Value out of my ul list? 在我的代码上可以替换什么,以便可以在H1中从ul列表中输出随机值?

Change this line 更改此行

var carToon = (lis[countThis].id);


var carToon = (lis[countThis].innerHTML);

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