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window.onload在Firefox + Greasemonkey脚本中有效但在Chrome用户脚本中无效吗?

[英]window.onload works in Firefox+Greasemonkey script but not in a Chrome userscript?

There is a page http://example.com/1.php that includes javascript file as usual: 有一个页面http://example.com/1.php像往常一样包含javascript文件:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/util.js?1354729400"></script>

This file contain function named exampleFunction which I need to use in my userscript. 这个文件包含名为exampleFunction的函数,我需要在我的用户脚本中使用它。 Also I have an user script: 我还有一个用户脚本:

// ==UserScript==
// @name          SomeName
// @namespace     http://example.com/userscripts
// @description   Greets the world
// @include       http://example.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
window.onload = function () {

which works perfectly in Firefox and returns an error in Chrome: 在Firefox中完美运行并在Chrome中返回错误:

Uncaught ReferenceError: exampleFunction is not defined 

How do I make it work? 我如何使其工作?

The reason that exampleFunction was undefined is because Chrome userscripts operate in a sandbox ( "isolated world" ). exampleFunction未定义的原因是因为Chrome用户脚本在沙箱中运行( “孤立世界” )。 Note that Greasemonkey scripts often operate in a sandbox too, but yours is currently running with an implicit @grant none . 请注意,Greasemonkey脚本通常也在沙箱中运行,但是您的脚本当前正在使用隐式@grant none运行。
If your script were to use a GM_ function, it would stop working in Firefox too. 如果您的脚本使用GM_函数,它也将停止在Firefox中运行。

To make this script work on both browsers (and a few others, as well), use Script Injection similar to this answer . 要使此脚本在两个浏览器(以及其他一些浏览器)上运行,请使用类似于此答案的 脚本注入

However , there is another hitch, since that script is using window.onload . 但是 ,还有另一个问题,因为该脚本使用的是window.onload Chrome userscripts, with the default execution start-mode, will often never see the onload event. 使用默认执行启动模式的Chrome用户脚本通常永远不会看到onload事件。

To get around that, add // @run-at document-end to the metadata block. 要解决这个问题,请将// @run-at document-end到元数据块。

So the script becomes: 所以脚本变成:

// ==UserScript==
// @name            SomeName
// @namespace       http://example.com/userscripts
// @description     Greets the world
// @include         http://example.com/*
// @run-at          document-end
// @grant           none
// ==/UserScript==

function GM_main () {
    window.onload = function () {

addJS_Node (null, null, GM_main);

//-- This is a standard-ish utility function:
function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun, runOnLoad) {
    var D                                   = document;
    var scriptNode                          = D.createElement ('script');
    if (runOnLoad) {
        scriptNode.addEventListener ("load", runOnLoad, false);
    scriptNode.type                         = "text/javascript";
    if (text)       scriptNode.textContent  = text;
    if (s_URL)      scriptNode.src          = s_URL;
    if (funcToRun)  scriptNode.textContent  = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';

    var targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
    targ.appendChild (scriptNode);

If you want the equivalent to onLoad , which doesn't fire till all images on the page are loaded, you want to use // @run-at document-idle in your metadata block. 如果你想要等同于onLoad ,它在页面上的所有图像都被加载之前不会触发,你想在元数据块中使用// @run-at document-idle The default, document-end, fires when the DOM is loaded, the equivalent of document.ready. 加载DOM时会触发默认的document-end,相当于document.ready。

Have you tried calling examplefunction with brackets ? 你试过用括号调用examplefunction吗? :) Like this: :) 像这样:


If you try it in chrome console, you have to add brackets to call function. 如果您在chrome控制台中尝试它,则必须为调用函数添加括号。

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