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[英]Changing soundcard and playing an MP3

I want to play an MP3 on a sound card other than the default (eg I plugged in a USB headset). 我想在非默认声卡上播放MP3(例如,我插入USB耳机)。

I have code that works perfectly fine if I want to play a WAV file on a different sound card. 如果要在其他声卡上播放WAV文件,我的代码可以很好地工作。 But with MP3, it just fails. 但是使用MP3,它只会失败。 I am trying to write the code in C#, but for the sake of there being nothing between the app and WinAPI (eg interop), I translated it to VB6. 我试图用C#编写代码,但是为了使应用程序和WinAPI之间没有任何关系(例如,互操作),我将其翻译为VB6。 Specifically, what fails is the call to change the sound card - mciSendCommand - and it fails with error 274 - The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command . 具体来说,失败的是更改声卡的调用-mciSendCommand-失败,并显示错误274- The MCI device you are using does not support the specified command The sequence with the MCI type operations is typically like this: Open File, Do Operations (eg change sound card, etc...), then play. MCI类型操作的顺序通常是这样的:打开文件,执行操作(例如,更改声卡等),然后播放。

Dim cmd as String
Dim rc as Long
Dim lngDeviceID As Long

cmd = "Open test.mp3 type mpegvideo alias Mp3File"
rc = mciSendString(CommandString, vbNullString, 0, 0&)  ' Open works

lngDeviceID = mciGetDeviceID("Mp3File")
parms.wOutput = 1 ' tell it to playback on the 2nd card 

rc = mciSendCommand(lngDeviceID, MCI_SET, MCI_WAVE_OUTPUT, parms) ' FAILS with 274
    ' The command failed.
    MsgBox "Change card: " & GetMCIErrorString(rc)
End If

Interestingly, if I want to play a WAV file, for which I have to open it with waveaudio instead of mpegvideo (like this cmd = "Open test.mp3 type waveaudio alias WAVFile" ), everything works fine. 有趣的是,如果我要播放WAV文件,必须使用waveaudio而不是mpegvideo打开它(例如,此cmd = "Open test.mp3 type waveaudio alias WAVFile" ),则一切正常。 But no matter what I tried it won't work if I try to open an MP3 file. 但是无论我尝试了什么,如果我尝试打开MP3文件都将无法使用。

What am I missing? 我想念什么? I've seen a dozen unanswered questions like this going back to 2000 - there has to be a way to play an MP3 file on a different sound card. 我已经看到了十二个这样的悬而未决的问题,可以追溯到2000年-必须有一种方法可以在其他声卡上播放MP3文件。

have you tried to change 你有没有尝试改变

cmd = "Open test.mp3 type mpegvideo alias Mp3File"


cmd = "Open test.mp3 type mpegvideo alias MediaFile" ? cmd = "Open test.mp3 type mpegvideo alias MediaFile"

have a look at this article on CodeProject that uses .NET and Winmm.dll to play MP3 files: 在CodeProject上查看使用.NET和Winmm.dll播放MP3文件的本文:

"MP3 Helper Class - http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/95000/MP3-Helper-Class" “ MP3帮助程序类-http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/95000/MP3-Helper-Class”

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