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Javascript和MongoDB - 写入文件

[英]Javascript and MongoDB - write to file

I'm using mongoDB on an ubuntu server. 我在ubuntu服务器上使用mongoDB。 However I'm using a javascript to store data and do some map/reduce. 但是我使用javascript来存储数据并做一些map / reduce。 I would like to measure these operations and write the results into a file. 我想测量这些操作并将结果写入文件。 Somehow I fail to open a file and write into it.. I tried the following: 不知何故,我无法打开文件并写入其中..我尝试了以下内容:

f = new File("myfile.txt");
if(f.open("w") == true)



mongo someprocess.js > outpout

The file object within spidermonkey (the JS engine MongoDB uses, and coincidently the console) has been made obsolete: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/SpiderMonkey/File_object . spidermonkey中的file对象(MongoDB使用的JS引擎,以及巧合的控制台)已经过时了: https//developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/SpiderMonkey/File_object Not only that but it wasn't standard to spidermonkey anyway so that was a long shot. 不仅如此,但无论如何它都不是蜘蛛侠的标准,所以这是一个长镜头。

As @gkamal states, the best way is to pipe the output of the MongoDB console like so: 正如@gkamal所说,最好的方法是管道MongoDB控制台的输出,如下所示:

mongo someprocess.js > outpout

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