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[英]Crystal report paremeters to be printed more than 1 times in detail Section

I have crystal report with parameters only in C# i place parameter in detail section. 我只有在C#中有参数的crystal report ,我在详细部分中放置了参数。 I want these paremeters to be printed more than 1 times(which will be given at run time ). 我希望这些参数可以打印1次以上(将在运行时给出)。 how can i achieve this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Why not just print it via a loop in a formula? 为什么不只是通过公式中的循环打印它呢?

local numbervar TimesToPrint := 8;
local numbervar i; //for-loop counter 
local stringvar out; //return variable

for i := 1 to TimesToPrint do
    out := out + {?YourParameter} + chr(13); //format your output


If the variable number of times you need the parameters to print is "reasonable" you could create that number of report footer sections and place the parameters in every one of these. 如果需要打印参数的可变次数是“合理的”,则可以创建该数量的报表页脚节,并将参数放置在其中的每一个中。 Then set the section suppression formula to suppress based on the number of times you want it to print. 然后设置节抑制公式以根据您要打印的次数进行抑制。

If the number of times you want them printed can be quite high you will probably want to use some sort of data source. 如果您希望它们打印的次数可能很高,那么您可能希望使用某种数据源。 You can then place the parameters in the detail section and use the parameter to drive the number of records returned. 然后,您可以将参数放在明细部分中,并使用该参数来驱动返回的记录数。

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