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[英]Should I let NHibernate generate GUIDs for created entities, or is it safe to generate the GUIDs client-side?

I'm trying to improve the responsiveness of an app. 我正在尝试提高应用程序的响应速度。 The user indicates they want to add a Song object to a Playlist. 用户指示他们想要将Song对象添加到播放列表。 To do so, I create a new Song object, save it to my server to set its ID, then, when the server responds successfully, I add the Song object to the Playlist. 为此,我创建了一个新的Song对象,将其保存到服务器中以设置其ID,然后,当服务器成功响应时,我将Song对象添加到播放列表中。

This has the side-effect of giving the user an awkward delay between their action and the app's response. 这样做的副作用是,在用户的操作和应用的响应之间会给用户带来尴尬的延迟。

I am wondering if it is OK to generate the GUIDs for my entities client-side instead of passing an object with an empty GUID to NHibernate (which then sets it while working with my Sql Server DB.) 我想知道是否可以为我的实体客户端生成GUID,而不是将具有空GUID的对象传递给NHibernate(然后在与Sql Server DB一起工作时对其进行设置)。

I would be using this method to generate a GUID : 我将使用此方法来生成GUID

'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
    var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
    return v.toString(16);

I am concerned about collisons, though. 不过,我担心Collisons。 Should I be? 我可以做? Or are client-side and server-side generation of GUIDs mostly the same? 还是客户端和服务器端的GUID大致相同?

When generating IDs on the client side you cannot guarantee unique IDs, because client side javascript code can be modified by versed users (or the request sent to the server can be modified). 在客户端上生成ID时,您不能保证唯一的ID,因为精通的用户可以修改客户端javascript代码(或者可以修改发送到服务器的请求)。 So you should generate the GUID on the server side to be save. 因此,您应该在服务器端生成要保存的GUID。

The method of generating GUID you mentioned is definitely not safe and would result in collisions sooner or later. 您提到的生成GUID的方法绝对不安全,迟早会导致冲突。 You should definitely generate GUID on the server side. 您绝对应该在服务器端生成GUID。

Is there any reason for you to create new Song object? 您是否有任何理由创建新的Song对象?
Are you copying existing objects or creating brand new ones? 您是要复制现有对象还是创建全新的对象?
If it's a copy, you should consider linking the original to the playlist (you don't have to wait for the GUID then). 如果是副本,则应考虑将原始链接到播放列表(然后不必等待GUID)。

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