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[英]inline svg filter in css

After reading this question: Inline SVG in CSS (works perfectly on Firefox and Chrome) 阅读此问题后: CSS中的内联SVG (在Firefox和Chrome上完美运行)

body { background-image: 

I tried to apply some filter effects with 我尝试应用一些滤镜效果

filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg>........</svg>#filter01")

It worked on FF, but didn't work on Chrome. 它适用于FF,但不适用于Chrome。

What's the reason and how can I fix it? 是什么原因,我该如何解决?

I don't believe you can fix it. 我不相信你能解决它。 This was only ever fully supported by Firefox and this usage will now be superseded by the *-filter property. 这只是Firefox完全支持,现在这个用法将被* -filter属性取代。


filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg%3E........%3C/svg%3E#filter01")

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