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[英]Octave read each line of file to vector

I have a file data.txt 我有一个文件data.txt

1 22 34 -2
3 34 -3
3 43 -3 2 3

And I want to load this file onto Octave as separate matrices 我想将此文件作为单独的矩阵加载到Octave

matrix1 = [1; 22; 34 ;-2]
matrix2 = [3; 34 -3]

How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢? I've tried fopen and fgetl, but it seems as if each character is given its own spot in the matrix. 我尝试过fopen和fgetl,但似乎每个字符在矩阵中都有自己的位置。 I want to separate the values, not the characters (it's space delimited). 我想分隔值,而不是字符(以空格分隔)。

quick and dirty: 快速又肮脏:

A = dlmread("file");

matrix = 1; # just for nice varname generation
for i = 1:size(A,1)
    name = genvarname("matrix",who());
    eval([name " = A(i,:);"]);
    eval(["[_,__," name "] = find(" name ");"]);

clear _ __ A matrix i

The format needs to be as you specified. 格式必须为您指定的格式。

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