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[英]Stripping special characters in R

I have the following string 我有以下字符串

> str    
[1]  "[ { \"category\" : \"book\"} , { \"category\" : \"Movie\"} , { \"category\" : \"Brand\"}]"

I want to strip it to get the following vector 我想剥离它以获得以下向量

> a
[1] "book" "Movie" "Brand" 

My problem is how to handle the "" and \\ within the string to pass it to either grep or gsub in R. This is what I did and I get an error 我的问题是如何处理字符串中的“”和\\,以将其传递给R中的grepgsub 。这是我所做的,但出现错误

> grep("^\[ \{ \\"category\\" : \\"([a-zA-Z0-9/]+)\\".*",str)
Error: '\[' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "^\["

Am I even on the right track? 我是否在正确的轨道上?

Maybe the rjson package will sort you out: 也许rjson包会把你整理出来:

> require(rjson)
> unlist(fromJSON(str))
  category category category 
    "book"  "Movie"  "Brand" 

ignoring the names ("category") that's what you want. 忽略您想要的名称(“类别”)。 Wrap in as.vector() to get rid of those. 包装as.vector()摆脱那些。

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