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[英]Change the first argument in a function

I would like to do something like this: 我想做这样的事情:

function start(){
    // Change the first argument in the argument list
    arguments[0] = '<h1>' + arguments[0] + '</h1>';

    // Call log with the new arguments
    // But outputs: TypeError: Illegal invocation
    log.apply(this, arguments);

function log(){ 
    // should output -> ['<h1>hello<h1>', 'world', '!']

start('hello', 'world', '!');

Your code actually works (I just tested in Firefox, latest version). 您的代码实际上有效(我刚刚在Firefox中测试过,最新版本)。

However, I could imagine that some implementations may have a problem with the arguments object when passing in as value to Function.prototype.apply . 但是,我可以想象,当作为值传递给Function.prototype.apply时,某些实现可能会出现arguments对象的问题 So try: 所以尝试:

function start(){
    var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments );
    args[0] = '<h1>' + args[0] + '</h1>';

    log.apply(this, args);

By invoking Array.prototype.slice on the arguments -object, we create a " true " ECMAscript Array , which we might need as second argument for .apply() 通过在arguments Array.prototype.slice上调用Array.prototype.slice ,我们创建一个“ true ”ECMAscript 数组 ,我们可能需要它作为.apply()第二个参数

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