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[英]Regex for numeric portion of Java string

I'm trying to write a Java method that will take a string as a parameter and return another string if it matches a pattern, and null otherwise. 我正在尝试编写一个Java方法,该方法将字符串作为参数,并在匹配模式时返回另一个字符串,否则返回null The pattern: 模式:

  • Starts with a number (1+ digits); 以数字(1个以上的数字)开头; then followed by 然后是
  • A colon (" : "); 冒号(“ : ”); then followed by 然后是
  • A single whitespace (" "); 单个空格(“”); then followed by 然后是
  • Any Java string of 1+ characters 任何包含1个以上字符的Java字符串

Hence, some valid string thats match this pattern: 因此,一些与该模式匹配的有效字符串:

50: hello
1: d
10938484: 394958558

And some strings that do not match this pattern: 还有一些与该模式匹配的字符串:

: e4949

The general skeleton of the method is this: 该方法的一般框架是这样的:

public String extractNumber(String toMatch) {
    // If toMatch matches the pattern, extract the first number
    // (everything prior to the colon).

    // Else, return null.

Here's my best attempt so far, but I know I'm wrong: 到目前为止,这是我最好的尝试,但是我知道我错了:

public String extractNumber(String toMatch) {
    // If toMatch matches the pattern, extract the first number
    // (everything prior to the colon).
    String regex = "???";
        return toMatch.substring(0, toMatch.indexOf(":"));

    // Else, return null.
    return null;

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Your description is spot on, now it just needs to be translated to a regex: 您的描述很详细,现在只需将其翻译为正则表达式即可:

^      # Starts
\d+    # with a number (1+ digits); then followed by
:      # A colon (":"); then followed by
       # A single whitespace (" "); then followed by
\w+    # Any word character, one one more times
$      # (followed by the end of input)

Giving, in a Java string: 用Java字符串给出:

"^\\d+: \\w+$"

You also want to capture the numbers: put parentheses around \\d+ , use a Matcher , and capture group 1 if there is a match: 您还想捕获数字:在\\d+加上括号,使用Matcher ,并在存在匹配项的情况下捕获组1:

private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+): \\w+$");

// ...

public String extractNumber(String toMatch) {
    Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(toMatch);
    return m.find() ? m.group(1) : null;

Note: in Java, \\w only matches ASCII characters and digits (this is not the case for .NET languages for instance) and it will also match an underscore. 注意:在Java中, \\w仅匹配ASCII字符和数字(例如,.NET语言不是这种情况),并且还将匹配下划线。 If you don't want the underscore, you can use (Java specific syntax): 如果您不想使用下划线,则可以使用(特定于Java的语法):


instead of \\w for the last part of the regex, giving: 而不是\\w作为正则表达式的最后一部分,给出:

"^(\\d+): [\\w&&[^_]]+$"

尝试使用以下命令:\\ d +:\\ w +

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