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[英]How do I write a function that returns another function?

In Python, I'd like to write a function make_cylinder_volume(r) which returns another function.在 Python 中,我想编写一个返回另一个函数的函数make_cylinder_volume(r) That returned function should be callable with a parameter h , and return the volume of a cylinder with height h and radius r .返回的函数应该可以使用参数h调用,并返回高度为h和半径为r的圆柱体的体积。

I know how to return values from functions in Python, but how do I return another function ?我知道如何从 Python 中的函数返回,但如何返回另一个函数

Try this, using Python:试试这个,使用 Python:

import math
def make_cylinder_volume_func(r):
    def volume(h):
        return math.pi * r * r * h
    return volume

Use it like this, for example with radius=10 and height=5 :像这样使用它,例如radius=10height=5

volume_radius_10 = make_cylinder_volume_func(10)
=> 1570.7963267948967

Notice that returning a function was a simple matter of defining a new function inside the function, and returning it at the end - being careful to pass the appropriate parameters for each function.请注意,返回一个函数是在函数内部定义一个新函数并在最后返回它的简单问题——注意为每个函数传递适当的参数。 FYI, the technique of returning a function from another function is known as currying .仅供参考,从另一个函数返回一个函数的技术称为柯里化。

Using lambdas, also known as anonymous functions, you can abstract out the volume function inside the make_cylinder_volume_func to a single line.使用 lambda,也称为匿名函数,您可以将make_cylinder_volume_func中的volume函数抽象为一行。 In no way different from Óscar López's answer, the solution using lambda is still in a sense 'more functional'.与 Óscar López 的回答没有什么不同,使用 lambda 的解决方案在某种意义上仍然“更实用”。

This is how you can write the accepted answer using a lambda expression:这是使用 lambda 表达式编写接受的答案的方法:

import math
def make_cylinder_volume_fun(r):
    return lambda h: math.pi * r * r * h

And then call as you'd any other curried function:然后像调用任何其他咖喱函数一样调用:

volume_radius_1 = make_cylinder_volume_fun(1)
=> 3.141592653589793

Just want to point out that you can do this with pymonad只是想指出你可以用 pymonad 做到这一点

 import pymonad 

 def add(a, b):
     return a + b

 add5 = add(5)

I know I am too late to the party, but I think you might find this solution interesting.我知道我来晚了,但我想你可能会发现这个解决方案很有趣。

from math import pi
from functools import partial

def cylinder_volume(r, h):
    return pi * r * r * h

make_cylinder_with_radius_2 = partial(cylinder_volume, 2)
make_cylinder_with_height_3 = partial(cylinder_volume, h=3)

print(cylinder_volume(2, 3))            # 37.6991118431
print(make_cylinder_with_radius_2(3))   # 37.6991118431
print(make_cylinder_with_height_3(2))   # 37.6991118431

Here is documentation about how partial works.这是有关partial工作原理的文档

Here is one massive example which covers many of single multiple argument cases in one function这是一个巨大的例子,它涵盖了一个函数中的许多单个多参数情况

def maths(var='NA'):
if var.lower() == 'add':
    def add(*args):
        return "Sum is : "+str(sum(args))
    return add
elif var.lower() == 'substract':
    def substract(a,b):
        if a>b:
            return "Difference is : "+str(a-b)
            return "Difference is : "+str(b-a)
    return substract
elif var.lower() == 'multiply':
    def multiply(*args):
        temp = 1
        for x in args:
            temp = temp*x
        return "multiplication is : "+str(temp)
    return multiply
elif var.lower() == 'divide':
    def divide(a,b):
        return "Division is : "+str(a/b)
    return divide
    print("Please choose one of given operations: 'add','substract','multiply','divide'")

Here first call the maths function with the required operation and then use the returned function for the actual calculation这里首先调用需要运算的maths函数,然后使用返回的函数进行实际计算


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