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在SED Linux中查找和替换Define(Key,Value)

[英]Find and Replace Define(Key,Value) in SED Linux

Currently I'm trying to create a bash script for replacing new values I generated. 目前我正在尝试创建一个bash脚本来替换我生成的新值。

These values were stored in constants.php : 这些值存储在constants.php

-----------constant.php : start-------------------
        define('PASS1', 'ABCD');
        define('PASS2', '1234');
-----------constant.php : end---------------------

After running script, (using sed ) it should update the values of PASS1 and PASS 2 separately: 运行脚本后, (使用sed它应该分别更新PASS1PASS 2的值:

-----------constant.php : start-------------------
        define('PASS1', 'WXYZ');
        define('PASS2', '0987');
-----------constant.php : end---------------------

Is there a way I can find the KEY eg 'PASS1' and replace the values after the comma? 有没有办法可以找到KEY,例如'PASS1'并替换逗号后的值?

You can specify the occurrence with sed so sed "/PASS1/s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2" matches any lines containing PASS1 and does the following substitution s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2 which: 您可以使用sed指定事件,因此sed "/PASS1/s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2"匹配包含PASS1任何行并执行以下替换s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2其中:

s/     # Substitute  
'      # Match a single quote
[^']*  # Match anything not a single quote 
'      # Match the closing single quote 
/      # Replace with 
'WXYZ' # The literal value
/2     # The 2 here matches the second quoted string, not the first.  

# First key 
$ sed "/PASS1/s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2" file

        define('PASS1', 'WXYZ');
        define('PASS2', '1234');

# Second key
$ sed "/PASS2/s/'[^']*'/'0978'/2" file

        define('PASS1', 'ABCD');
        define('PASS2', '0978');

# In one go
$ sed "/PASS1/s/'[^']*'/'WXYZ'/2;/PASS2/s/'[^']*'/'0978'/2" file

        define('PASS1', 'WXYZ');
        define('PASS2', '0978');

You need replacement rules similar to this: 您需要与此类似的替换规则:

/'PASS1'/ s/, *'[^']*'/, 'WXYZ'/

Which finds a line containing the quoted PASS1 and replaces the next argument with the correct password. 找到包含引用的PASS1的行,并用正确的密码替换下一个参数。 Writing such rules is tedious and error prone, so I prefer letting sed write them for me. 编写这样的规则是单调乏味且容易出错的,所以我更喜欢让sed为我编写它们。 So if the file key-value.txt contains: 因此,如果文件key-value.txt包含:

PASS2 0987

You can generate the replacement rules with: 您可以使用以下命令生成替换规则:

<key-value.txt sed "s:\(.*\) \(.*\):/\1/ s/, *'[^']*'/, '\2'/:"

Output: 输出:

/'PASS1'/ s/, *'[^']*'/, 'WXYZ'/
/'PASS2'/ s/, *'[^']*'/, '0987'/

Pipe this into a second sed to make the actual replacement: 将此管道插入第二个sed以进行实际更换:

<key-value.txt sed "s:\(.*\) \(.*\):/\1/ s/, *'[^']*'/, '\2'/:" | sed -f - constants.php

Use the -i switch with the second sed to change constants.php "in-place". 使用-i开关和第二个sed来“就地”更改constants.php。

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