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[英]How to styling the pagination of CGridView at YII?

How to styling the pagination of CGridView at YII? 如何在YII上设置CGridView的分页样式?

At the cgridview, it is displaying the pager by pic. 在cgridview中,它按照图片显示寻呼机。

I would like to display the pager position by following. 我想通过以下方式显示寻呼机位置。

First Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Last 首页上一页1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10下一页尾页

and I want to remove "Go to page: ". 我想删除“转到页面:”。

How should I do? 我应该怎么做?


Simply set the header property of the pager to the empty string. 只需将寻呼机的header属性设置为空字符串即可。

Example: 例:

$this->widget('zii.widgets.CGridView', array(
        // ...other properties here...
        'pager' => array('class' => 'CLinkPager', 'header' => ''),

If you need only to change style, you should write your own css file and apply it to the gridView (see the end of the post). 如果您只需要更改样式,则应编写自己的css文件并将其应用于gridView(请参阅帖子末尾)。 But if your changes are deeper than that you will have to extend the Pager. 但如果您的更改比您更深,则必须延长寻呼机。

I have done this a long time ago: I extended the Link Pager to fit my need. 我很久以前就已经这样做了:我扩展了Link Pager以满足我的需求。 In the components directory I created a new pager: components目录中,我创建了一个新的寻呼机:

class PagerSA extends CLinkPager

Where I rewritted some methods to fit what I wanted (The modifications are really small). 在哪里我重写了一些方法以适应我想要的(修改非常小)。 Here's my code that you can take as example. 这是我可以作为示例的代码。 As I said I modified really few things from the original pager. 正如我所说,我从原始寻呼机中修改了很少的东西。 If your pager is a lot different from a CLinkPager or a CListPager you should extend CBasePager 如果您的寻呼机与CLinkPagerCListPager有很多不同,您应该扩展CBasePager

class PagerSA extends CLinkPager
    const CSS_FIRST_PAGE='first';
    const CSS_LAST_PAGE='last';
    const CSS_PREVIOUS_PAGE='previous';
    const CSS_NEXT_PAGE='next';
    const CSS_INTERNAL_PAGE='page';
    const CSS_HIDDEN_PAGE='hidden';
    const CSS_SELECTED_PAGE='selected';

     * @var integer maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed. Defaults to 10.
    public $maxButtonCount=5;
     * @var string the text label for the next page button. Defaults to 'Next >'.
    public $nextPageLabel;
     * @var string the text label for the previous page button. Defaults to '< Previous'.
    public $prevPageLabel;
     * @var string the text label for the first page button. Defaults to '<< First'.
    public $firstPageLabel;
     * @var string the text label for the last page button. Defaults to 'Last >>'.
    public $lastPageLabel;
     * @var string the text shown before page buttons. Defaults to 'Go to page: '.
    public $header;
     * @var string the text shown after page buttons.
    public $footer='';
     * @var mixed the CSS file used for the widget. Defaults to null, meaning
     * using the default CSS file included together with the widget.
     * If false, no CSS file will be used. Otherwise, the specified CSS file
     * will be included when using this widget.
    public $cssFile;
     * @var array HTML attributes for the pager container tag.
    public $htmlOptions=array();

     * Initializes the pager by setting some default property values.
    public function init()
            $this->nextPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','Suivante >');
            $this->prevPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','< Précédente');
            $this->firstPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','<< Première');
            $this->lastPageLabel=Yii::t('yii','Dernière >>');


     * Creates the page buttons.
     * @return array a list of page buttons (in HTML code).
    protected function createPageButtons()
            return array();

        $currentPage=$this->getCurrentPage(false); // currentPage is calculated in getPageRange()

        // first page

        // prev page

        //2 first pages
            $buttons[]= ' ... ';

            $buttons[]= ' ... ';

        // internal pages

        //3 lasts pages
            $buttons[]= ' ... ';

            $buttons[]= ' ... ';

        // next page

        // last page

        return $buttons;


Then to apply it in your c grid view you have to put something like: 然后要在c网格视图中应用它,你必须输入如下内容:

'pager' => array(
    'class' => 'SaAdminPager',
'pagerCssClass'=>'pagination pagination-centered', 
        'type'=>'striped bordered condensed',
    echo 'Goto Page '.CHtml::textField(ucfirst(Yii::app()->controller->id)."_page",'1',
            $.fn.yiiGridView.update('grid-view', {
                data: $(this).serialize()

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