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使用php GD库将透明渐变与图像混合

[英]Blend transparent gradient with an image using php GD library

I try to render gradient on top of an image it need to be from full color to transparent, here is my code. 我尝试在图像上渲染渐变,它需要从全彩色到透明,这是我的代码。 I get black image and if I put start more then 0 I got white gradient but no image. 我得到黑色图像,如果我开始多一点,那么0我得到白色渐变,但是没有图像。 the output image is 338x100 px but the input image need to be aligned to right if the image is narrower. 输出图像为338x100像素,但如果图像较窄,则输入图像需要右对齐。

function hex2rgb($hex) {
    $rgb[0] = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
    $rgb[1] = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
    $rgb[2] = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));
    return $rgb;

function int2rgb($color) {
    $result[] = ($color >> 16) & 0xFF;
    $result[] = ($color >> 8) & 0xFF;
    $result[] = $color & 0xFF;
    return $result;

if (isset($_GET['start']) && isset($_GET['stop']) && isset($_GET['color'])) {
    $input = imagecreatefrompng('file.png');
    $width = imagesx($input);
    $output = imagecreatetruecolor(338, 100);
    $color = hex2rgb($_GET['color']);
    $fill = imagecolorallocate($output, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);

    for ($x=0; $x<$_GET['start']; ++$x) {
        for ($y=0; $y<100; ++$y) {
            imagesetpixel($output, $x, $y, $fill);
    $range = $_GET['stop']-$_GET['start'];
    for ($x=$_GET['start']; $x<$_GET['stop']; ++$x) {
        $alpha = round(255-($x*255/$range));
        $correct_x = $width < 338 ? $x+$width-338 : $x;
        for ($y=0; $y<100; ++$y) {
            $input_color = int2rgb(imagecolorat($input, $correct_x, $y));

            $new_color = imagecolorallocate($output,
            imagesetpixel($output, $x, $y, $new_color);
    if ($_GET['stop']<338) {
        $stop = $width < 338 ? $_GET['stop']+$width-338 : $_GET['stop'];
        imagecopy($input, $output, $stop, 0, $_GET['stop'], 0, 338-$stop, 100);
        header('Content-Type: image/png');

I run the script with gradient.php?start=20&stop=200&color=ff0000 and got this instead of red gradient. 我使用gradient.php?start=20&stop=200&color=ff0000运行脚本并获得此代替红色渐变。


How to make that gradient red from full color to full transparent? 如何使渐变红色从全彩色变为完全透明? So it look like this: 所以它看起来像这样:


If you create a image using imagecreatetruecolor it gets a black background. 如果使用imagecreatetruecolor创建图像,它将获得黑色背景。 Using imagefill you can change the background of an image easily. 使用imagefill可以轻松更改图像的背景。 The imagecolorallocatealpha function let's you create a color containing transparency. 使用imagecolorallocatealpha函数可以创建包含透明度的颜色。 127 means fully transparent and 0 not transparent. 127表示完全透明,0表示不透明。

It works now and I simplified your code a bit: 它现在有效,我简化了你的代码:

function hex2rgb($hex) {
    $rgb[0] = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
    $rgb[1] = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
    $rgb[2] = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));
    return $rgb;

if (isset($_GET['start']) && isset($_GET['stop']) && isset($_GET['color'])) {
    $color = hex2rgb($_GET['color']);
    $range = $_GET['stop']-$_GET['start'];

    // create input image
    $input = imagecreatefrompng('file.png');

    // create output image
    $height = imagesy($input);
    $width = imagesx($input);
    $output = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);

    // put a transparent background on it
    $trans_colour = imagecolorallocatealpha($output, 0, 0, 0, 127);
    imagefill($output, 0, 0, $trans_colour);

    // create the gradient
    for ($x=0; $x < $width; ++$x) {
        $alpha = $x <= $_GET['start'] ? 0 : round(min(($x - $_GET['start'])/$range, 1)*127);
        $new_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($output, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2], $alpha);
        imageline($output, $x, $height, $x, 0, $new_color);

    // copy the gradient onto the input image
    imagecopyresampled($input, $output, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);

    // output the result
    header('Content-Type: image/png');

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