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[英]Push Notifications are not received sometimes

I have this strange problem with iOS Push Notifications: 我在iOS推送通知中遇到了这个奇怪的问题

I configured my server to send push notifications, yet sometimes they are not delivered. 我将服务器配置为发送推送通知,但有时未发送。

In order to get them back to work on a specific device, I have to turn OFF the Wi-Fi and switch it back ON. 为了使它们恢复在特定设备上的工作,我必须关闭Wi-Fi并将其重新打开。 After that the message is received. 之后,收到消息。

I'm still trying to put my finger on that issue, without luck. 我仍然想尽一切办法,但是没有运气。

More Info: 更多信息:

1.Server is working in sandbox mode. 1.服务器正在沙盒模式下工作。

2.Development certificates are in use. 2.开发证书正在使用中。

3.Other notifications still works while mine won't (Facebook, Whatsapp). 3.其他通知仍然有效,而我的则不行(Facebook,Whatsapp)。

In my theory, there are some differences between test APNS server, and real APNS server. 从我的理论来看,测试APNS服务器与实际APNS服务器之间存在一些差异。

I do not think that is your problem. 我认为那不是你的问题。

Log something after send a message to APNS server 向APNS服务器发送消息后记录一些内容

Try to take off the sandbox and set it to false. 尝试取下沙箱并将其设置为false。

Check your certificates.. if you have ad hoc certificate, notifications will only work when you create an IPA and install it on your device. 检查您的证书。.如果您有临时证书,则只有在创建IPA并将其安装在设备上时,通知才起作用。 Or if you download the app from the applestore. 或者,如果您从Applestore下载该应用程序。

Another issue can may cause your problem is the Data traffic. 另一个问题可能会导致您的问题是数据流量。 If your phone does not have internet unless it connects to wifi, the device doesn't recive the push notification until it is not connected to wifi. 如果您的手机没有连接到wifi,否则没有互联网,则设备只有在未连接到wifi时,才会接收推送通知。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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