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顶点中的R iGraph热图

[英]R iGraph Heatmap in Vertex

I'm quite new to R and stuck on a question. 我对R很陌生并坚持一个问题。 Would it be possible to print a heatmap on a vertex in iGraph ? 是否可以在iGraph的顶点上打印热图? I know I can do a colored square or circle. 我知道我可以做一个彩色方块或圆圈。 But would a small heatmap be possible? 但是可以使用小型热图吗? This is the code that draws my current graph: 这是绘制当前图形的代码:

    # create graph
graph <- graph.data.frame(network[,1:2])
vertex_names <- get.vertex.attribute(graph,"name")

# define node attributes
V(graph)$label.font <- 1
V(graph)$label.font[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PRIMARIES")] <- 2
V(graph)$label.font[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="REACTION")] <- 2

V(graph)$label <- element_types[vertex_names,"label"]
V(graph)$color <- element_types[vertex_names,"color"]
V(graph)$size <- as.integer(element_types[vertex_names,"size"]*20)
V(graph)$label.cex <- element_types[vertex_names,"weight"]

V(graph)$frame.color <- "gray"
V(graph)$frame.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PRIMARIES")] <- "white"
V(graph)$frame.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PATHWAY")] <- "white"
V(graph)$frame.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PRODUCTS")] <- "white"
V(graph)$frame.width <- 10

V(graph)$shape <- "square"
V(graph)$shape[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="REACTION")] <- "circle"

V(graph)$label.color <- "black"
V(graph)$label.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PRIMARIES")] <- "darkred"
V(graph)$label.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="PATHWAY")] <- "darkgreen"
V(graph)$label.color[which(element_types[vertex_names,"type"]=="REACTION")] <- "darkorange3"

E(graph)$color <- "red"
E(graph)$color[which(network[,3]=="out")] <- "blue"
E(graph)$color[which(network[,3]=="external")] <- "darkgreen"
E(graph)$arrow.size <- 0.5

layout <- layout.auto(graph)

Furthermore, I have matrices in a list that can be drawn into a heatmap. 此外,我在列表中有矩阵,可以绘制到热图中。 These matrices look like this: 这些矩阵看起来像这样:

     TotalSNP HighSNP ModerateSNP PromotorSNP
[1,]        1       0           0           1
[2,]        3       0           2           1
[3,]        5       0           2           3
[4,]        1       0           0           1
[5,]        7       0           4           3
[6,]        3       0           3           0
[7,]        4       0           1           3
[8,]        3       0           2           1

     TotalSNP HighSNP ModerateSNP PromotorSNP
[1,]        3       0           1           2
[2,]        0       0           0           0

     TotalSNP HighSNP ModerateSNP PromotorSNP
[1,]        0       0           0           0
[2,]        0       0           0           0

Does anyone know if it's possible to draw these matrices as heatmaps on the vertex? 有谁知道是否可以在顶点上绘制这些矩阵作为热图?

Sample data: 样本数据:

    FinalList <- list(structure(c(1, 3, 5, 1, 7, 3, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 4, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1), .Dim = c(8L, 
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("TotalSNP", "HighSNP", "ModerateSNP", 
"PromotorSNP"))), structure(c(3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0), .Dim = c(2L, 
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("TotalSNP", "HighSNP", "ModerateSNP", 
"PromotorSNP"))), structure(c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(2L, 
4L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("TotalSNP", "HighSNP", "ModerateSNP", 

The size of the matrices can vary, It's always 4 columns but the number of rows can vary from 0 rows till 10. 矩阵的大小可以变化,它总是4列,但行数可以从0行到10行不等。

So, as I said in the comment above, this is relatively easy with the new vertex shape API, although there are some tricks that you need to know. 所以,正如我在上面的评论中所说,使用新的顶点形状API相对容易,尽管您需要了解一些技巧。 There are some example shapes in igraph, those help I guess. igraph中有一些示例形状,这些帮助我猜。

So you need to define a function that will plot your vertices. 因此,您需要定义一个绘制顶点的函数。 It must have three parameters, the coordinates in a matrix, the vertices to plot ( NULL means all of them) and a function object that you can use to query igraph graphics parameters. 它必须有三个参数,矩阵中的坐标,要绘制的顶点( NULL表示所有这些)以及可用于查询igraph图形参数的函数对象。 Please see the details in the code if you are interested. 如果您有兴趣,请查看代码中的详细信息。 If you want to change the look of the heatmaps, just change image() to whatever you like. 如果要更改热图的外观,只需将image()更改为您喜欢的任何内容即可。

myheat <- function(coords, v=NULL, params) {
  colbar <- heat.colors(50)
  colbreaks <- seq(0, 1, length=length(colbar)+1)
  vertex.size <- 1/200 * params("vertex", "size")
  if (length(vertex.size) != 1 && !is.null(v)) {
    vertex.size <- vertex.size[v]
  heat <- params("vertex", "heat")
  if (is.list(heat) && !is.null(v)) {
    heat <- heat[v]
  } else if (!is.null(v)) {
    heat <- list(heat)
  mapply(coords[,1], coords[,2], vertex.size*2, heat,
         FUN=function(x, y, size, int) {
           nc <- ncol(int); nr <- nrow(int)
           xc <- seq(x, x+size/nc*(nc-1), length=nc)-size/nc*(nc-1)/2
           yc <- seq(y, y+size/nr*(nr-1), length=nr)-size/nr*(nr-1)/2
           image(xc, yc, int, add=TRUE, col=colbar, breaks=colbreaks)

# OK, we add the new shape now, it will be called "heat", 
# and will have an extra vertex parameter, also called "heat". 
# This parameter gives the heatmap intensities. The shape will 
# clip as a square, ie. the edges will be cut at the boundary 
# of the heatmap.

add.vertex.shape("heat", clip=vertex.shapes("square")$clip, plot=myheat,

# Some example data and random heatmaps

g <- graph.formula(A:B -+ C:D +- E)
randheat <- function() matrix(runif(9), 3)
heats <- lapply(1:vcount(g), function(x) randheat())

# Plot them

plot(g, vertex.shape="heat", vertex.heat=heats, vertex.size=50)

# You can mix various vertex shapes

plot(g, vertex.shape=c("heat", "heat", "sphere", "heat", "heat"),
     vertex.heat=heats, vertex.size=50)


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