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如何在Python 3.3 Windows 7 x64上安装Pyramid

[英]How do I install Pyramid on Python 3.3 Windows 7 x64

I have been having a heck of a time trying to install Pyramid on my Python 3.3 Windows 7 x64 machine. 尝试在我的Python 3.3 Windows 7 x64机器上安装Pyramid时,我经历了一段时间。 I have done the following from scratch with no luck. 我从无到有地完成了以下工作。 I have double checked all of my install files: 我已经仔细检查了所有安装文件:

  • Install python 3.3 安装python 3.3
  • Install Python for Windows extensions 安装适用于Windows的Python扩展
  • Install Distribute 0.6.34 (latest) 安装分发0.6.34(最新)
  • easy_install Virtualenv easy_install Virtualenv
  • Activated my new virtualenv 激活了我的新virtualenv
  • easy_install pyramid easy_install金字塔

I followed Pyramid's install guide here while substituting Python32 for Python33: 在将Python32替换为Python33时,我遵循了Pyramid的安装指南

easy_install pyramid finishes and puts the following egg files in my venv\\liv\\site-packages folder: easy_install pyramid完成后,将以下egg文件放入我的venv\\liv\\site-packages文件夹中:

  • mako-0.7.3-py3.3.egg mako-0.7.3-py3.3.egg
  • pastedeploy-1.5.0-py3.3.egg pastedeploy-1.5.0-py3.3.egg
  • pyramid-1.4-py3.3.egg 金字塔1.4-py3.3.egg
  • repoze.lru-0.6-py3.3.egg repoze.lru-0.6-py3.3.egg
  • translationstring-1.1-py3.3.egg translationstring-1.1-py3.3.egg
  • venusian-1.0a7-py3.3.egg venusian-1.0a7-py3.3.egg
  • webob-1.2.3-py3.3.egg webob-1.2.3-py3.3.egg
  • zope.deprecation-4.0.2-py3.3.egg zope.deprecation-4.0.2-py3.3.egg
  • zope.interface-4.0.3-py3.3-win-amd64.egg zope.interface-4.0.3-py3.3-win-amd64.egg

However the actual folders are still in the egg folders and not have been copied to the site-packages folder. 但是,实际的文件夹仍位于egg文件夹中,尚未复制到site-packages文件夹中。 Should they be? 应该是吗? Seems like an incomplete installation to me because the code can't even see the import modules from those egg folders. 在我看来,这是一个不完整的安装,因为代码甚至都看不到那些egg文件夹中的导入模块。 I try to run this test code and I get import errors. 我尝试运行此测试代码 ,但出现导入错误。

As a test, I moved all the folders in the egg folders up one level so they are now in the site-packages folder. 作为测试,我将egg文件夹中的所有文件夹上移了一层,现在它们已位于site-packages文件夹中。 I run the test code and I get different import errors. 我运行测试代码,但遇到不同的导入错误。 In fact, I have done this whole install process at least 10 times today from scratch. 实际上,今天我从头开始已经完成了整个安装过程至少10次。 The import errors can be different. 导入错误可以不同。 It's almost like the pyramid install is getting corrupted or incomplete. 这几乎就像金字塔安装已损坏或不完整。 However, the install always finishes with no errors. 但是,安装始终会完成且没有错误。

Any ideas what is going on? 有什么想法吗?

I've used pip for python and everything went fine, all dependencies were installed and 我已经将pip用于python,并且一切正常,安装了所有依赖项,

import pyramid

did not throw any error afterwards. 之后没有引发任何错误。

Have a look at http://pastebin.com/bdv1SK7k . 看看http://pastebin.com/bdv1SK7k

Note: to install pip you need to, ironically, call easy_install pip 注意:要安装pip,具有讽刺意味的是,请致电easy_install pip

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