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How do I get a php value in Jquery?

Hey guys I have this populated search form that will bring a table of people based on search result. I need to be able to get the php variable that has the username I am trying to get, then that will get sent over to .php file using the JQuery UI which will open a notes window.

So here:

username, other, other , notes - this is a link and once clicked the following is called:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#NotesAccessor").click(function () {


which leads to :

function run(){ var url = '/pcg/popups/grabnotes.php'; showUrlInDialog(url); }

to a function that opens the Jquery Dialog.

I need to access the username of the based notes that was clicked....if there was 20 results of different names, david, joe, john, etc... I click the notes with david as username, I need that to be sent over to the file that is opening so I can display the based notes on the appropriate username.

Here is my php:

      if ($checkNotes[1] == 'No')
        echo "None";
    if ($checkNotes[1] == 'Yes')
            echo "<a href='#' id='NotesAccessor'>Click to access</a>";
    echo "

Let me know if this makes sense to you. I am kinda stuck on this and could use a hand :)


I can't tell what PHP variable you are trying to get, but generally, you can do:

<!-- /myScript.php?myVar=helloWorld -->
<script type="text/javascript">
        var myPhpVar = <?php echo $_GET['myVar']; ?>;
var x = '<?php echo $variable; ?>';
var x = '<?php echo my_function(); ?>'; 

function my_function()
  return $variable;

this should do what you like :)

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