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How to format/clean name of posts in my wordpress blog

I have a wordpress blog with 2000 posts. Name of each post is a person's name. But the first name and last name are separated by a '-', I want to automate the process of removal of these '-' from the post names.

Example -

      Present name of a post:  Isaac-Newton
      Desired name          :  Isaac Newton

Is there any script, or code to do it, as it will be a tedious job, If I have to manually edit the names of all the posts. Any help, suggestions what might work?

You could open the WP database in PhpMyadmin and run something like the following:

update wp_posts set post_title = replace(post_title, "-", " ") WHERE post_title LIKE '%-%';

Obviously backup the database first, to ensure you don't completely mess it up.

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