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character encoding of the HTML document was not declared codeigniter

My CodeIgniter app has started to a freak error:

The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol.

In the first visit, the page appears fine, just a message "guimbu" . If you refresh the page, the error appears until you clear the history of browser. This happens only after second page-view. Take a look: http://guimbu.com/soon

  • I've just opened ALL FILES with Sublime and saved to UTF-8; twice.
  • I've just tried with all charset meta tags;
  • This happens with ALL pages, including this simple page;

My autoload.php has this:

$autoload['packages'] = array();
$autoload['libraries'] = array('session', 'database', 'firephp', 'auth');
$autoload['helper'] = array('url', 'log_helper', 'api_helper', 'string_helper');
$autoload['config'] = array('ci_opauth', 'rest', 'ci_auth');
$autoload['language'] = array();
$autoload['model'] = array();

How can I debug this problem?


@sudhir, thanks for the answer, but I tried this many times. Actually the source code is just:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">
    guimbu =)

And the error persists after second page-view =/ Maybe a problem with sessions?

UPDATE with possibility:

When I remove session and auth libraries from autoload , the problem doesn't happen. WTF? auth is a library I made for user authentication.

When you refresh that page you get a blank one, if you view source that page you'll see it's blank that is has a number count. My guess is that you're doing something when the page refreshes that sends a white space to the browser. I can only suggest not to close your files with ?> and let php handle how your scripts will exit/die. There's some whitespace in your code that's causing that.

try adding these in head section of your view:

<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
<meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">


In the first lines of Session class constructor, it loads the String helper. Yesterday I've created a helper called string_helper.php and this conflict was what crashing application.

I renamed my string_helper.php file and now everything works fine.

Thanks all!

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