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Using partials, how do I render `striped` table rows in a DRY way?

So I have some view code that looks like this:

<div class="box-content">
    <table class="table table-properties">
            <%= render :partial => 'property', collection: @search.listings, as: :listing %>

In that _property.html.erb , I have this:

    <td class="span2">
        <%= link_to listing_path(listing), :class => "thumbnail thumb2" do %>
            <%= image_tag "room_1.jpg", :alt => "Lucas" %>
        <% end %>
        <h2><%= link_to listing.headline, listing_path(listing) %></h2>
        <h5><%= listing.listing_type.name if listing.listing_type "#{listing.neighborhood.name.capitalize}" %></h5>
        <h5>Maintenance <%= number_to_currency(listing.maintenance) %></h5>
    <td class="span1">
        <h2 class="price"><%= number_to_currency(listing.price)%></h2>
        <h5><%= "#{listing.num_bedrooms} bed, #{listing.num_bathrooms} bath" %></h5>

Basically, I want to generate that above code exactly, for each row, the only difference is I want every 2nd row (ie all even numbered rows) to have the class=striped ..ie <tr class=striped> .

Thoughts on how to do this in a DRY way?

Have you tried using cycle and current_cycle ?


<tr class="<%= cycle('odd', 'even') -%>">
  <!-- etc -->

This alternates your classes with odd and even and IMHO should also work when render a collection. If you need the value of the actual cycle multiple times, you get it with current_cycle (because calling cycle multiple times would mess up your cycles, unless you want that).

Won't it be better just to use :nth-child() css selector? http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_nth-child.asp

You can try something like this:

 <tr class="<%=cycle("odd", "even") %>">
    <td class="span2">
        <%= link_to listing_path(listing), :class => "thumbnail thumb2" do %>
            <%= image_tag "room_1.jpg", :alt => "Lucas" %>
        <% end %>
        <h2><%= link_to listing.headline, listing_path(listing) %></h2>
        <h5><%= listing.listing_type.name if listing.listing_type "#{listing.neighborhood.name.capitalize}" %></h5>
        <h5>Maintenance <%= number_to_currency(listing.maintenance) %></h5>
    <td class="span1">
        <h2 class="price"><%= number_to_currency(listing.price)%></h2>
        <h5><%= "#{listing.num_bedrooms} bed, #{listing.num_bathrooms} bath" %></h5>

Do it with jquery:

   $("table.table-properties > tbody > tr:odd").addClass("odd");
   $("table.table-properties > tbody > tr:not(.odd)").addClass("even");  

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