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Rails web server isn't starting up

  • Rails version 2.3.14
  • Ruby version 1.8.7
  • Gem version 1.6.2

rails s gives me the following output:

      exists  app/controllers
      exists  tmp/cache
      exists  tmp/pids
   identical  Rakefile
   identical  README
   identical  db/seeds.rb
   identical  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
   identical  config/initializers/inflections.rb
   identical  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
   identical  config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb
overwrite config/initializers/session_store.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] Y
       force  config/initializers/session_store.rb
overwrite config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh] Y
       force  config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb
   identical  config/environment.rb
   identical  config/boot.rb
   identical  public/javascripts/controls.js
   identical  public/javascripts/application.js
   identical  doc/README_FOR_APP
   identical  log/server.log
   identical  log/production.log
   identical  log/development.log
   identical  log/test.log

My Rails version is really old, but it's not up to me. Also, my log files are empty.

Does anyone have any ideas?

In rails 2.x the command to run the server is


rails s in 2.x is creating a new rails app named "s", not starting a server.

对于Rails 2.x,在项目目录中使用以下命令:

ruby script/server

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