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VS2012 javascript intellisense works only with explicit invocation

I am trying to make the new vs2012 javascript intellisense work.

At first I noticed it was not working because resharper intellisense was enabled. I tried to completely suspend resharper, and I got a better situation, but still buggy.

I added the _references.js file with a couple of references (jquery and angularjs). I switched, in the options, to Implicit (web) settings so it reads the _references.js file.

I added an empty js file. Intellisense only appears if I CTRL+SPACE (for method and types list) or CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE (for method parameters list) but it doesn't appear when I start typing, nor when I type a dot or open a round bracket.

I don't really know what's the problem. Resharper is out of the way so everything should work.

The edition is Vs2012 premium 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL.

Other extensions installed:

  • Web Developer Tools (which I also got on a web developer express edition on another computer, and on that installation intellisense works fine)
  • Web Essentials 2012 (disabled)
  • Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for Javascript (which I can't disable nor uninstall)
  • Git Source Control Provider (which I hardly think could be related)
  • xUnit.net runner for visual studio 2012 (again, hardly related)


ReSharper intellisense and Visual Studio intellisense are two completely different beasts.

If you have problems with ReSharper intellisense, then please describe what kind of a problem do you have with it. Does it work with Ctrl-Space? If it works, but it doesn't get invoked automatically, then please check settings at ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | Autopopup ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | Autopopup ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | Autopopup .

If you prefer Visual Studio intellisense, please go to ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | General ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | General ReSharper | Options -> Environment | Intellisense | General , select Limited ReSharper intellisense and turn off JavaScript there. Then ensure that Tools | Options -> Text Editor | JavaScript | General -> Auto list members Tools | Options -> Text Editor | JavaScript | General -> Auto list members Tools | Options -> Text Editor | JavaScript | General -> Auto list members is turned on.

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