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Deploying not happening in publishing process

I am trying to publish to local file system, however publishing is not happening properly and its failed to deploy in my 2011 GA VM environment.

I am getting " Polling for notification for destination: YTnMgU6u5Vh09cOGUG7ouA== has exceeded polling attempts for transaction: tcm:0-121257-66560 " error in "Preparing Deployment" stage.

I have used the “Local File System” protocol in my publication target and I have provided path like d:\\tridion\\publish.

And I have provided the same path in cd_storage_conf.xml under the <storage type=”filesystem”> . All other storage types are commented.

And in cd_deployer_conf.xml , quee location path is c:\\tridion\\incoming .

When I publish any page into my publication target, the zipped package is placed in the d:\\tridion\\publish and it's not deployed.

Do I need to do any other thing to deploy the zipped package?

The path provided in the cd_deployer_conf.xml (the one you specify in Queue/Location !!!) needs to be the same one you provide in your publication target (in your case you have in the publicationTarget some path on D drive while in the deployer conf you have another one from C drive). Then you also need make sure that your deployer is initialized. You can easily determine if your deployer is initialized by looking if the meta.xml is regenerated in the deployer incoming folder.

Not sure if this is relavant but you might be interested also in how to install the deployer: as a .NET WebSite , as a Java WebSite or Windows Service

Hope this helps.

You say your working sites use HTTP sender/deployer. In that scenario your deployer is triggered by the HTTP servlet which receives the transport package.

When you use local file system - you MUST configure your deployer to work in a different way. It has to run as some form of background service. Typically on a windows box this means installing the deployer as a windows service. Keep in mind that this will then probably have additional config files for the deployer and broker/storage.

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