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Where clause in LINQ query using a function

I have a piece of code:

IList<Opportunity> filteredOpportunityProperties = new List<Opportunity>();
List<LookupWithIntId> selectedProperties = opportunityFilter.PropertyTypes;
List<string> propertyTypes = selectedProperties.Select(item => item.Name).ToList();

opportunities.Where((item) =>
        string productType = item.Properties[0].ProductType;
        bool propertyMatch = propertyTypes.Any(propTypes => productType.Contains(propTypes));
        if (propertyMatch) select item;

if the condition matches I want that item to be selected. However, I get the error:

Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled statement

Any suggestions!

In your where clause, change this line:

if(propertyMatch) select item;

To this:

return propertyMatch;

The where clause will return the item if the predicate result is true, so you just need to return the boolean result.

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