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Primefaces dynamic height of Bar Chart

I have a primefaces p:barChart component and I would like to set the style="height: #{backingBean.chartHeight}" dynamically according to the amount of data in the chart. The example here does not work so is there any other way to set the chart height dynamically? Thanks!

Another solution worked for me : instead of injecting height in the style, you can inject all the style option as a String. your code will look like this :

<p:barChart id="basic" value="#{backingBean.categoryModel}"
                    legendPosition="ne" title="Comparaison"
                    min="0" max="200"
                    style= "#{backingBean.chartStyle}" orientation="horizontal" />

And the height string in your backing bean :

private String chartStyle ="height:500px";

I guess you can do something like this

 <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.chartHeight}" id="chartheight"> // will be set if you set in the construtor.
  <p:barChart id="basicchart"  legendPosition="ne" /> 

and in JavaScript or Jquery on page load

      var val=$('#formId\\:chartheight').val();

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