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Javascript while loop changing scroll position of div crashes site

I have a div displaying some horizontally scrollable images with white-space:nowrap; overflow-x:scroll white-space:nowrap; overflow-x:scroll and i'm trying to make the function below work:

var mouseIsInDiv = false;
function autoScroll() {
var i = 1;
while (mouseIsInDiv = false) {
    document.getElementById("theDiv").scrollLeft = i;

It is supposed to loop through (while the mouse is not within this scrollable div) incrementing the scroll position by 1px every 50 miliseconds. In other words it's supposed to scroll through the images automatically when this function is called. I'm not getting any syntactic errors but whenever i press a button that calls this function on a webpage, the browser crashes completely - I'm using the latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Any ideas would be really helpful, I've been tearing my hair out over this!

Your loop creates many timeouts that happens in the same time (after 50 milisecs) you need to set the timeout recursivly, inside the set timeout function, and ask if mouseISInDiv inside the set timeout function as well.

The current code state, the loop will run many many times in a small amount of time, and page will crush(it's liek infinite) and after 50 millisecs there will be many set timeouts that ran.

I had a fun time working on this one, so I'll post my response despite the correct answer already having been accepted.

Basically, you need to restructure everything so that the whole scheme is asynchronous. That means event listeners respond to mouse movement, and there are no while loops.

Thus, I present this fiddle . Here is the javascript:

var mouseIsInDiv = false;
var theDiv = document.getElementById("theDiv");
theDiv.onmouseover = function() { mouseIsInDiv = true; };
theDiv.onmouseout = function() {
    mouseIsInDiv = false;

function scrollLeft1() {
  if (mouseIsInDiv == false && theDiv.scrollLeft < theDiv.clientWidth) {
    theDiv.scrollLeft += 1;
    setTimeout(scrollLeft1, 50);


As you can see, the function calls itself recursively and asynchronously, and the whole thing can be restarted after manually resetting the scroll. You could also add an event listener for the scroll completion.

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