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How many database entries can I have before my application begins to become too slow?

I have a question about database for a mobile application : I want to develop an application which will be a dictionary French-Kurdish. My idea is to fill my database with the word in French and his translation in Kurdish (a simple idea isn't it?). But it's a mobile application and I don't have any experience with databases so my question is : What is the limit of a database ? When I'm saying limit, I'm talking about the size of the database because the goal of the application is to be fast.

For my application, at minimum I have 1000 entries : Is that too much, or is it reasonable?

1000 entries is perfectly fine in terms of what SQLite can handle.

Here's a discussion on the limits of SQLite.

The theoretical maximum number of rows in a table is 2^64 (18446744073709551616 or about 1.8e+19). This limit is unreachable since the maximum database size of 140 terabytes will be reached first. A 140 terabytes database can hold no more than approximately 1e+13 rows, and then only if there are no indices and if each row contains very little data.

In terms of how large & fast your database will be, I think you also have nothing to worry about for 1k entries. If the speed of your queries became a problem it would be worth looking into optimisations, but I don't think you will need to given your problem statement.

对于前面的答案,我相信OP并不是在问他可以存储多少个数据库条目的理论极限,而是因为纯粹的原因,他在搜索特定单词之前可以存储多少个数据库条目变得很慢。相应地,用于搜索sqlite数据库的搜索技术的数据库条目数: 搜索sqlite数据库以及sqlite数据库缓存和优化的最佳方法: http : //web.utk.edu/~jplyon/sqlite/ SQLite_optimization_FAQ.html

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