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Window.location doesn't work after ajax request

Window.location doesn't work after a success respond when it call a ajax request, the success function it called.

when i execute on firefox on debugger step by step the window.location it works .

function login(){

var jason ={"usuario":document.getElementById("inputusuario").value,
        "password": document.getElementById("inputpassword").value
            json =JSON.stringify(jason);


var onSuccess = function (data) {
    window.location ='salas.html'

var onError = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert("no se conecto");


var onBeforeSend = function () {

var jason ={"usuario":document.getElementById("inputusuario").value,
        "password": document.getElementById("inputpassword").value

            json =JSON.stringify(jason);

    url: "../reservaciones/index.php/login",
     data: json,
    cache: false,
    async: false,
    beforeSend: onBeforeSend,
    error: onError,
    success: onSuccess

I copied your code exactly, added the appropriate elements, and it worked just fine.

This is your code, as is: 的jsfiddle

Try these:

1. Try window.location.assign() . This has been known to fix this very problem.

2. Try running async: true . From your code I see no reason why you'd want to run false and sometimes that can cause timing issues.

You're missing the trailing ';' in

window.location ='salas.html'

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