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What is the difference between .length and [0] to check if an element with an ID exists

I have seen two ways to check if an element with a specific ID exists on the page and I was wondering why the second way works.

One way I have seen is the following and I think I understand it:

if ( $('#elementID').length > 0 ) {
  //Do something
else {
  //Do something else

Another way I have seen this done that I do not quite understand is the following:

if ( $('#elementID')[0] ) {
  //Do something
else {
  //Do something else

What does the [0] mean? I normally see [...] used for array's so is this returning an array?

Thank you.

jQuery selectors return an array of values that match the selector.

The first example checks the length of that array. The second example attempts to check if the first element exists.

if ( $('elementID').length > 0 ) {
  //checks the length of the array.  If the selector hit at least 1 element it does something

if ( $('elementID')[0] ) {
  //Tries to check if the first element exists.  
  //This really should work in this case, because jQuery will return jquery objects 
  //but in the general case for checking arrays is dangerous because will be incorrect for falsy values

So in the end, both are shorthand for "If there are elements selected"

I initially said the second one was dangerous. Thats actually not true in the jQuery case, because jQuery/DOM objects will always be truthy. In general though its dangerous to check if an element exists by using if(element) because this will return false for values like 0 or "". So if you're unsure, I would recommend the first convention since it is safer in a wider variety of cases. But for this particular case, either option works.

A jQuery wrapped object has all of it's elements/etc stored inside in an Array-like fashion, hence why .length works on it, and you are able to see if the selector returned any results.


Since jQuery stores these in an Array-like fashion, you can access them individually by using the typical [] bracket notation. Note, this will also return a raw javascript HTMLElement. It removes the jQuery wrapped from it.

$('#elementID')[0] // returns the 1st element

Since in this instance, both return a truthy result, it will continue into the if statement.

// On a side note: make sure to _not_ do simply:
if ( $('#elementID') ) { }

jQuery will return an empty jQuery wrapped object (which will be -truthy-), continuing on into the if statement.

To point you into the right direction:

var test = document.getElementById('test') //returns a HTML DOM Object
var test = $('#test') //returns a jQuery Object
var test = $('#test')[0] //returns a HTML DOM Object

Neither of them have actually nothing directly to do with jQuery. $(selector) returns an array of jQuery objects matching the selector. Thus you can use Array.length property to check how many matches there are. Likewise you can access any items in the array through it's zero-based index. While $(selector)[0] would return the first HtmlElement object in the array, $(selector)[1] would return the second. And so forth.

While if ($(selector)[0]) may work in some cases, it doesn't return a boolean value, thus the condition is flawed and should not be used. Instead, use $(selector).length > 0.

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