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WinForm C# Efficient Search of DataGridView (unbound)

I have a C# winForm that uses the dataGridGrid and I'm receiving about 20 msgs per/sec and I have approx 1000 rows...is there any "fast lookup" methods and/or design pattern that will allow me to locate specific rows without iterating through dataGridView.Rows collection? This seems to be a VERY inefficient approach but I can't seem to find anything else other than dataGridView.Rows.Remove() which I "think" is a loop, am I correct? Can someone please help me out?

Thanks in advance,


you could probably use some LINQ to find the row, since it is unbound. I don't know what you're matching against, but hopefully this could help:

var x = (from DataGridViewRow r in dataGridGrid.Rows 
         where r.Cells[SomeCellIndex_OrName].Value == "Some Value"
         select r).FirstOrDefault();

if (x != null ) {

  //Do Something to x
  // x is your row
  // x == null when not found

If I understood correctly your question, you want to find specific rows in your DataGridView and delete them. Assuming you are using DataGridView try to bind it's DataSource to a BindingSource and then you could find(last added) row like this:

    BindingSource.Position = BindingSource.Find(string PropertyName, object key);

To remove selected row, save your position to a variable and then:

    DataGridView.Rows.RemoveAt(your variable);

Hope that helps

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