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Creating a script to use Google Closure for multiple javascript files

I need to use the Google Closure compiler.jar to minify a huge project I am working on. I have multiple js files that I want to compile into a single game.min.js file. I know I can use the following:

java -jar compiler.jar --js file1.js --js file2.js --js etc, etc --js_output_file game.min.js

...but I have a LOT of files and as I understand it Closure doesn't have support for adding a directory and finding all the *.js files residing under that directory. My fumbling google searches are not giving me any tools that I can use for the job (or nothing that works at any rate).

Has anyone out there found / used / written a script that loops through a directory and spits out all the .js files into a single minified file? I am hopeless with php, python, etc, so any help greatly appreciated.

You can use ant to automate the use of the closure compile r.

I do it in two separate steps, concatenation then compilation :

<concat destfile="src/somepath/app.concat.js">
    <filelist dir="src/somepath">
        <file name="a.js" />
        <file name="b.js" />
        <file name="c.js" />
        <file name="d.js" />

<jscomp compilationLevel="simple" warning="quiet" debug="false" output="src/app.min.js">
    <sources dir="src/somepath">
        <file name="app.concat.js" />

Be careful that the order of the files is important. That's why you can't simply pass a fileset to the jscomp task.

You can also use wildcards when specifying files. You could change your example to:

java -jar compiler.jar --js *.js --js_output_file game.min.js

This should combine all of the .js files in your current working directory into the output file you've specified.

You should concatenate all your source files before you apply Google Closure compiler.

For all related tasks you could use Ant build tool. Also, there is a great Grunt.js project, which is more convenient for JS. There are grunt-contrib-concat and grunt-shell npm modules for Grunt.js, the first is for concatenation, the other is for running console commands.

Your Gruntfile.js could look like this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    // Project configuration.
        concat: {
            js: {
                src: ['src/js/*.js'],
                dest: 'dist/pre-build.js'

        shell: {
            optimize: {
                command: 'google closure compiler command here',
                stdout: true


    // Default task.
    grunt.registerTask('default', ['concat', 'shell:optimize']);

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