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Display images from documents directory

I'm using the following method to display images in an AQGridview:


-(id)initWithCaption:(NSString*)theCaption andImage:(UIImage*)theImage andURLRequest:(NSURLRequest *)theURLRequest
    self = [super init];
        self.caption = theCaption;
        self.image = theImage;
        self.myURLRequest = theURLRequest;
    return self;


DataModel *appService = [[AppsDocumentService alloc] initWithCaption:theAppName andImage:[UIImage imageNamed:iconIdentifier] andURLRequest:requestObject];

Where iconIdentifier is a string matching an image in the app's Supporting files folder, eg @"Icon.png"

It works but only with images stored in Supporting files / Xcode project folder and I'd like to be able to display images from the app's documents directory.

I tried some variations along the lines of:

iconIdentifier = @"/var/mobile/Applications/28CC364F-0895-4556-9F58-DAB5AB9104A7/Documents/downloads/AppIcons/Icon.png";

but that isn't working.

I was hoping someone could tell me if there's a way to modify what I already have to display images from the documents directory.

Sorry folks - figured it out almost as soon as I posted the question

Instead of:

initWithCaption:theAppName andImage:[UIImage imageNamed:iconIdentifier] andURLRequest:requestObject];

I needed:

initWithCaption:theAppName andImage:[UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:iconIdentifier]] andURLRequest:requestObject];

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