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PHP Checking Date Past

I am using RFC822 date format and trying to get my if statement to work however it will not and I cant work out why, this is what the data is echoing as:

$currentdate = Fri, 01 Mar 13 22:24:02 +0000
$post['created_on'] = Sat, 17 Nov 2012 19:26:46 +0100

This is my statement:

$currentdate = date(DATE_RFC822, strtotime("-7 days"));
if ($post['created_on'] < $currentdate) 
  echo "test";


I am trying to check if the array created on is within the last 7 days, I assume its something to do with the "<" in the statement or the way the date is formated?

Thanks, Simon

You want to compare timestamps:

if (strtotime($post['created_on']) >= strtotime('-7 days'))
    // Created in the last seven days

You code cannot work as you doing an alphanumerical comparison. RFC822 is not designed for that.

Note that Fri ... is lower than Sat ... is such comparison as F comes before S in alphabet.

Use the DateTime class:

$currentdate = new DateTime('-7days +0100'); // ! use the same tz offset as the post !
$postdate = new DateTime('Sat, 17 Nov 2012 19:26:46 +0100');

if($postdate < $currentdate) {
  // ... do stufff

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