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Python csv.reader() to JS?

I have a python code such as :

import csv
reader = csv.reader(open('myText.txt', 'r'), delimiter=",")
for row in reader:
print row[0] + 'is' + row[1] + '</br>'

I look for a similar action/code[1] in JS or JQuery . The name of this action is welcome too. I'am exploring JS and wondering if there is a way do get an online/offline csv, parse it, iterate, inject some HTML in my website accordingly.

[1]: more precisely I look for a JS translation of reader = csv.reader(open('myText.txt', 'r'), delimiter=",") , I can manage the rest.

Note: myText.txt will be this online file

For the given CSV file, I think something like this should suffice (which uses only jquery ):

.done(function(csvData) {
    var body = $('body');
    csvData.split(/\r\n|\n/).forEach(function (rowStr) {
        if (rowStr[0] != '#') {
            var row = rowStr.split(',');
            body.append('<p>' + row[0] + 'is' + row[1] + '</p>');

However, this will not work for quoted commas, etc.

For a more complete CSV parsing look at Javascript code to parse CSV data which uses code from this blog post . Also, you can consider the jQuery-csv library , though it is in beta.

For a quick and simple file it could be something like this: (Code inspired by this answer )

 // Put here the url to the file
 url = "https://raw.github.com/cburgmer/cjklib/master/cjklib/data/pinyinipamapping.csv";

        type: "GET",
        url: url,
        dataType: "text",
        success: function(data) {processData(data);}

function processData(allText) {
    // Get an array of lines
    var allTextLines = allText.split(/\r\n|\n/);
    // Get the number of columns using the first row
    var entries = allTextLines[0].split(',');
    var lines = [];

    // while there are elements in the row
    while (entries.length>0) {
        // remove that line, split it and store in our array 
    // Now do your stuff with the array lines


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