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How to restart Phusion Passenger + Apache in Production mode on Ubuntu server for Ruby on Rails?

I am having Apache + phusion passenger, I have put

RailsEnv production

in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file and have restarted apache but when I am running

rails c
> Rails.env.production?

it gives fales where as for

> Rails.env.development?

it gives true. Is there any other way to restart passenger as I do think putting "RailsEnv production" in default is the right way ? btw I am using

sudo service apache2 restart

How to start my ruby on rails app in Production mode with passenger + apache ?

just create a restart.txt in tmp dir of your app


  touch %RAILS_ROOT%/tmp/restart.txt

look here http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html section 3.3

Your app is probably in production mode already.

By default, rails c loads the app in dvelopment mode.

If you want your console to be launched in production mode, do the following :

RAILS_ENV=production rails c

The console and the web app are two different rails proccess and run independently.

You should check your production.log file to be sure that your app runs in production.

Just for starting app with particular port use below command:

passenger start -a -p 3000 -d -e production

I followed the commands listed in PhusionPassenger docs here and they worked straight-away.

deployer@staging:~$ passenger-config restart-app
Please select the application to restart.
Tip: re-run this command with --help to learn how to automate it.
If the menu doesn't display correctly, press '!'

 ‣   /home/deployer/myapp/current (staging)
     /home/deployer/myapp_2/current (staging)

Restarting /home/deployer/myapp/current (staging)

deployer@staging:~$ passenger-config restart-app
Please select the application to restart.
Tip: re-run this command with --help to learn how to automate it.
If the menu doesn't display correctly, press '!'

     /home/deployer/myapp/current (staging)
 ‣   /home/deployer/myapp_2/current (staging)

Restarting /home/deployer/myapp_2/current (staging)

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