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Codeigniter authentication before every controller and action

I am writing a web application using codeigniter.
I want to authenticate the privilege of our users before they access the page.
Actually nearly all controller action except the log in page need to call the model and use

$this->Users->validate($username, $password)

I want to make it general for every controller. Do I need to inherit the controller class? How could i do that?

We have a project using Codeigniter and the way we are doing it :

When you have a new controller :

class xxxx extends MY_Controller { }

And Inside the MY_Controller class

function __construct() {
 // do your validations

The best way is that you should make a helper file in your application/helper folder with this name or any of you want but don't remove _helper , you should use this name authentication_helper , and put the following code as yours

    <?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

    function varify_session(){
       $CI = &get_instance();
       $user_session_id = $CI->session->userdata('logged_in');

       if($user_session_id  ==  '') {

chage code with yours code. then in your autoload file and in put this into helper

     $autoload['helper'] = array('authentication');

then you just need to put this line into your every controller constructor like this

     function __construct()

hope it will help.

please write below code in constructor of each controller


/* check whether login or not */

Correct before filter usage:

class Test extends Controller {

    var $before_filter = array();

    var $after_filter = array();

    function __construct() {

        $this->before_filter[] = array(
            'action' => 'before_filter_run',


    function before_filter_run() {
        // Auth here

For details read here

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