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How to check if event was fired once?

I have code in jQuery like this:

$("#something").click(function() {  

and inside function I'd like to check if #something was clicked only once at a short time and if twice and more, then act like once.

I tried this code:

if(!event.detail || event.detail == 1) { do_something; }

and it works in most browsers except Firefox. I know why, but didn't find any solution for this. I tried preventDefault on dblclick event, but it doesn't work in Chrome...

Any ideas?

You can use the event.timeStamp to determine the time between two events.

$("#something").click(function( event ) {  
    this.lastClick = this.lastClick || 0;

    if( event.timeStamp - this.lastClick > 200 ) {
        // do something
    } else {
        // last click occured below 200ms, set out `lastClick` to the current timestamp

    this.lastClick = event.timeStamp;

I am slightly sloppy here, storing the lastClick on the DOM elements object representation. You might want to put that variable in a higher scope of your app.

There is rogue way of doing it.

Have a global variable,

Inside the click event , increment it.

When enough clicks accumulated, remove the click event from the element using $(this) object

I am modifying you code a bit,

var counter =0;
$("#something").click(function() {  
//alert("Clicked : " + counter);

I hope this is the simplest way to know how many times it clicked.

if want to control clicks, just check with if

if(counter >= 1) {...}

I think this will do :)

Use .dblclick() (JQUERY) -- double click Use .click() (JQUERY) - single click

If 1,2 clicks is pretty enought for your task - use them.

Good luck.

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