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Nginx - Redirect Domain Trailing Dot

How can I redirect " http://domain.com ." to " http://domain.com " with Nginx?

What's the recommended way of doing this? Regex or is there any other options?

The following snippet does this in a general way, without having to hard code any hostnames (useful if your server config handles requests for multiple domains). Add this inside any server definition that you need to.

if ($http_host ~ "\.$" ){
    rewrite ^(.*) $scheme://$host$1 permanent;

This takes advantage of the fact (pointed out by Igor Sysoev ) that $host has the trailing dot removed, while $http_host doesn't; so we can match the dot in $http_host and automatically use $host for the redirect.

You will need to use Regex.

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  domain.com.WHATEVER, domain.com.WHATEVER-2, domain.com.WHATEVER-3;
    rewrite  ^  $scheme://domain.com$request_uri?  permanent;

From: http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRewriteModule

redirect - returns temporary redirect with code 302; it is used if the substituting line begins with http:// permanent - returns permanent redirect with code 301

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