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svn checkout: No repository found

I noticed that SVN works well until I restart my machine (Mac OS X). Then, when I do svn checkout svn:// , I get the error svn: No repository found in 'svn://' .

svn info produces the following:

Path: .
URL: svn://
Repository Root: svn://
Repository UUID: e5a0987c-ab12-4088-82c5-263f6c00c66a
Revision: 3
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: Mika
Last Changed Rev: 3
Last Changed Date: 2013-03-15 14:55:57 +0400 (Fri, 15 Mar 2013)

Any suggestion?

I find that I need to kill the svnserve process and start it again.

On the terminal:

//finding and killing the process

ps -ef  | grep svnserve
sudo kill processID.

just a real world example looks like below:

root@debian:/home/arun# ps -ef | grep svnserv
root      2697     1  0 13:23 ?        00:00:00 svnserve -d
root      2935  2574  0 14:20 pts/1    00:00:00 grep svnserv
root@debian:/home/arun# kill 2697

//start server

svnserve -d -r <path to repository>

In case of /testA path (shortened path) in URL of repository you have to fix -r (repository root) value

From doc :

You can also increase security and save time entering URLs with svnserve by using the --root switch to set the root location and restrict access to a specified directory on the server:

svnserve.exe --daemon --root drive:\\path\\to\\repository\\root

drive:\\path\\to\\repository\\root is path to the parent dir of repository (repositories), not to repository itself

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