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SVN Ignore for all Repository

is it possible to set the svn:ignore (or something similar) for my repositories (instead of the working copy?)

there is some kind of configuration file i can modify to get this working? hope someone can help me, thanks in advance

The problem with global-ignore is that it's a per user basis. Each user must add that to their Subversion configuration.

What you really need is a pre-commit hook. I have one that can do exactly what you want: Ban particular files types from ever being committed anywhere in your repository.

This is a Perl script, but it requires no optional parameters (unless you want to use the LDAP functionality to create user groups).

There is subversion config file:


Where you can set ignores.

# global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la *.al .libs *.so *.so.[0-9]* *.a *.pyc *.pyo

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