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jQuery sorttable doens't work after postback in updatepanel (JavaScript)

I have a issue with the sortable function of jQuery. When my page does a post-back with the update-panel the sorting of the dynamic table doesn't work anymore. The post-back is triggerd when a image-button is pushed. When the image-button is pushed there is a new row with a subtable in it.

I tried these 3 JavaScript codes but they all only seem to work for the first time. They DON'T work after I open the subtable.

Do you guys maybe know a JavaScript solution to solve this?

My first try:


My second try:


My third try:

function pageLoad() {
        $(function () {
            .tablesorterPager({ container: $("#pager") });

After each update all scripts are removed, you have to bind them again like:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">

          <script type="text/javascript">

And then in your javascript file:

function BindFunctions() {

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