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Can't install doctrine/mongodb-odm using Composer

Trying to install doctrine/mongodb-odm via Composer I get this:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.x-dev requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.4-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.2 requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.4-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.1 requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.4-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA3 requires ext-mongo >=1.3.1,<1.4-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA2 requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.3-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA1 requires ext-mongo * -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0 requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.4-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system.
    - Installation request for doctrine/mongodb 1.0.*@dev -> satisfiable by doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA1, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA2, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.0-BETA3, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.1, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.2, doctrine/mongodb 1.0.x-dev.

However php -m has:

[PHP Modules]

And composer.phar show --platform has:

ext-mongo        1.3.5     The mongo PHP extension

Any ideas? The extension is definitely installed correctly, and Composer even lists it. The version (>=1.2.12,<1.4-dev) meets the requirements as well.

Turns out this was the fault of the Sublime Text 2 Composer plugin. If I run Coomposer via Terminal it's fine. Why it doesn't work in ST2 is a bit of a mystery though, as far as I can tell it's executing exactly the same command: /bin/composer.phar update -n -v .

If you loaded Mongo into an instance of PHP installed via WAMPSERVER, a likely cause for this issue is that only one of the 2 php.ini files was modified path\\to\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php5\\php.ini . If you add the extension=php_mongo.dll to the path\\to\\wamp\\bin\\apache\\apche2\\bin\\php.ini you should be able to execute php with mongo functions from the command line or editer cli tools.

If you run into composer error:

doctrine/mongodb 1.0.x-dev requires ext-mongo >=1.2.12,<1.5-dev -> the requested PHP extension mongo is missing from your system

then it's another indicator you need to update the apache2x\\bin\\php.ini file

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