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Hover color change for text

When I hover over the cube I see the pop up.
When I hover over the text below the cube I see the change of color.

How can I see the color change of the text when I hover over the cube?

Providing my code below:


$('document').ready(function() {
            window.setTimeout(function() {
                $('.cubeCellGuest').each(function() {
                    var htmlText = $(this).attr('data-text');
                    $(this).append('<div class="cubeTextStyleGuest">' + htmlText + '</div>');


                    function() {
                        $(".cubeTextStyleGuest").append("<span class='divStockGuest'>Guest</span>");


                    function() {
            }, 600);



$('.cubeCellGuest').each(function() {
    var htmlText = $(this).attr('data-text');
    $(this).append('<div class="cubeTextStyleGuest">' + htmlText + '</div>');
    $(this).hover(function() {
       $(".cubeTextStyleGuest").addClass("hovered").append("<span class='divStockGuest'>Guest</span>");
    }, function() {


  color: red; //any color that you want

Currently the hover for your text is styled through css :hover, so it's only called when you hover the text. To solve you're problem



                        function() {
                            $(".cubeTextStyleGuest").css('color', '#cc6600').append("<span class='divStockGuest'>Guest</span>");


you can do this in pure css

.cube:hover + .cubeTextStyleGuest

or it maybe

.cube:hover ~ .cubeTextStyleGuest

here is a fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Y2MAp/2/

Hope this helps

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