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How to fix: Liquid Exception: Tag '{%' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\%\}/?

I'm getting this output from my Jekyll website generator

Liquid Exception: Tag '{%' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\\%}/

What's going on?

It turns out that you've probably made a formatting error in your template. For example:

{% if site.ALERT 
or site.ALERT_en %}

will break but

{% if site.ALERT or site.ALERT_en %}

is fine.

I had the issue with Octopress and the solution was to follow the advice by prigazzi :

The file that's causing this problem in octopress, is category_feed.xml , inside _includes/custom . You need to replace markdownify for markdownize and it works.

It did work for me.

Jekyll may not properly tell you which included file the actual syntax error belongs in. For example, I got the same error telling me that my _layout/base.html had this error on line 5; but the syntax was fine: {% include head.html %} . The syntax of head.html was also fine; but it included another file ( header.html ) which had an incomplete { % for line that I was writing but didn't finish.

Basically... you may have to follow the breadcrumb trail until you get to your error.

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