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Value is not binding in kendoui dropdown

I am using kendoui dropdownlist. I am loading the values in the dropdownlist dynamically. I have written the code like

            transport: {
                  url: "/Projects/Dropdown",
                  type: "POST",
                  dataType: "json"
        dataTextField: "type",
        dataValueField: "type",
        value: "Type2",

And in the controller i have defined like:

    public ActionResult Dropdown(int projectid, int controlid)
       var values = Context.controloptions.Where(i => i.id== id).Select(i => new {              
        type = i.value

       return Json(values, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

The values will contains an array: [{type="Type1"},{type="Type2"}] . How can i bind the value of "Type2" by giving the value. I am adding the screen shot of the value that are coming.


Either define the DropDownList as:

    dataSource   : {
        transport: {
            read: {
                url     : "/Projects/Dropdown",
                type    : "POST",
                dataType: "json"
    value: "Type2"

or return the data as [{"type":"Type1"},{"type":"Type2"}] and define the DropDownList as:

    dataSource   : {
        transport: {
            read: {
                url     : "/Projects/Dropdown",
                type    : "POST",
                dataType: "json"
    dataTextField: "type",
    dataValueField: "type",
    value        : "Type2"

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