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Setting the position/width of an NSSlider inside an NSMenuItem

I've got an NSMenu attached to an NSStatusItem , and inside that NSMenu I have a NSMenuItem for which I've set the view property to an NSSlider object. That works (it got me what I was after) almost.

The result looks like this:

NSSlider in an NSMenu as an NSMenuItem.view http://dl.dropbox.com/u/91596/Screenshots/k8tl.png

The problem is that I'd like the slider to line up with the menu items above it, so it doesn't look so friggin terrible.

I can't find anything in the apple documentation that says anything about being able to set the position of an NSSlider so I assume I'm going to have to wing it by drawing it myself.

Is that a correct assumption? If so, what are some class references/suggested reading links for achieving that result? Or, am I going about this wrong?

While I'm at it - I had to drag the slider in the UI builder to the desired width I wanted - is there any way to programmatically set the width of the slider so it fills up the desired space inside the menu?

Thanks, sorry of these are noob questions - I'm pretty new to ObjC programming.

First make your own NSView . Next, put your NSSlider in that view. If you need special spacing, adjust the slider in the container view. Or, maybe, twiddle in Interface Builder.

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