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How can I clear and reload my nrepl session in emacs?

I am working with emacs and nrepl. How can I do the following:

  1. Exit nrepl (currently I just kill the buffer)

  2. Reload everything I was working with in nrepl .

The problem I'm trying to solve by doing this is that when I have loaded an ns form and it has an error, I am unable to load the correct code because it keeps giving me the previous error.

1) Exit the nrepl (currently I just kill the buffer)

Mx nrepl-quit

2) Reload everything in the nrepl. (I have this problem when I haave loaded the ns, and it has an error. Then I am unable to load the correct code, it still keeps giving me the previous error)

You can switch to the buffer and use Cc Ck to load the buffer, or just use Cc Cc to eval an expression. Another option would be:

(use :reload 'my.namespace)

in the REPL.

Check out Stuart Sierra's tools for namespace management at the repl, and read the blog post where he explains how to use it effectively. With a little bit of coding discipline, you won't have to exit your nrepl anymore (or less, in any case). Good luck.

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